SPECIAL SESSION 11:  Application of 3D Audio to room acoustic design – Louena Shtrepi & Arianna Astolfi

We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper to the special session entitled «Application of 3D Audio to room acoustic design». 

The topics of interest for the session include but are not limited to: 

  • Applications of 3D sound in design and architectural projects. 
  • 3D audio measurements for room acoustic design. 
  • 3D modeling for sound perception research in virtual reality environments. 
  • Software tools and facilities for production and rendering of immersive and 3D audio. 
  • Integration of immersive and 3D audio to design tools used in architectural practices. 


Louena Shtrepi

Dr. Louena Shtrepi is an assistant professor at Politecnico di Torino in the Department of Energy “Galileo Ferraris” since 2018. She holds a university degree in architecture both from Politecnico di Torino and from Politecnico di Milano. Moreover, as part of her master degree, she obtained the Alta Scuola Politecnica diploma in 2010. She received her PhD degree in 2015 in Metrology: Measuring Science and Techniques, rewarded with the Newman Medal (Newman Student Award Fund and Acoustical Society of America) for excellence in the study of acoustics and its application to architecture.

Her research and teaching interests rely on applied acoustics, more specifically in room acoustics and building acoustics. Since 2012, she started working on acoustic materials properties, acoustic simulations, measurement uncertainty, metamaterials design and applications. Furthermore, her research aim is to raise awareness about acoustic issues and solutions since the early stages of the design process by involving actively architects and designers. These aspects have been deeply studied in multidisciplinary investigations that involve also subjective perceptual testing to promote listening into architectural design process. Her research results have been published in highly rated journals and rewarded with several grants at different conferences.

She teaches in two main graduate courses on Engineering of Sound Systems in the MSc program in Cinema and Media Engineering, Food Space Design (Light, Sound, Clima for food spaces) and Exhibit Design: Light and Sound in Design and Visual Communication. She frequently collaborates in the agreement between Politecnico di Torino and the School of Electronic Music of the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di Torino. She is a member of AIA (Associazione Italiana di Acustica), ASA (Acoustical Society of America), FTI (Associazione della Fisica Tecnica Italiana) and ATI (Associazione Termotecnica Italiana).

Arianna Astolfi

Arianna Astolfi is associate professor of building physics at the Department of Energy of the Politecnico di Torino, where she teaches building physics and applied acoustics and is responsible for the Applied Acoustics Laboratory.

She has been vice-President of then European Acoustical Association since 2022, and co-chair of the EAA TC of Room and Building Acoustics since 2017. She has been also member of the National Council of the Italian Acoustic Association since 2014. She is general chair of the Forum Acusticum 2023 to be held in Torino in September 2023.

Arianna is Associate Editor of “Applied Acoustics” and member of the editorial board of “Acoustics” and “Building Acoustics”. Her main research interests include classroom acoustics, speech intelligibility and voice monitoring, but she is also works on sound diffusion, acoustical characterization of materials, sound insulation, soundscape. She is author of more than 90 peer-reviewed journal papers and hundreds of conference papers, she has three patents and has created two start-ups incubated in the I3P incubator of the Politecnico di Torino.

Arianna serves the UNI committee, which is developing technical standards on acoustic requirements for indoor environments such as schools, offices, and hospitals.